Beards are considered an inseparable part of men's faces. They are also an aesthetic accessory. Beards can help a man express himself in the way he wants. However, it may not always be easy to achieve the desired beard look. This can be a big problem for many men. Social taboos such as "Men cannot be beardless, men must have beards." can affect men's approach to beards. For this reason, many men resort to beard transplantation methods.
There are many reasons underlying the need for beard transplantation. The development of beards depends on male hormones. Sometimes genetic factors, sometimes health problems, and sometimes accidents or scars can cause sparseness, open areas, or irregular appearances in the beard area. Even acne scars during adolescence can trigger this problem. This is a major problem for men who care about their beards.
The stubble fashion, which has become popular in recent years, has been a difficult trend to implement for those who have beard problems. This can cause serious self-confidence problems among men. However, having a sparse or missing beard is usually not a health problem. It triggers more of an aesthetic concern. For those who make this issue a serious problem, it is also possible to experience psychological problems. Here, beard transplantation offered by aesthetic applications offers a permanent solution to men who want to deal with this problem.
Beard transplantation, like hair transplantation, aims to create a person's beard by transplanting hair follicles taken from another part of the body to the problematic areas in the beard area. This method can be successfully applied to people who never grow a beard, as well as those with sparse beards. Especially men with sparse beards usually consider beard transplantation.
Since local anesthesia is used during the beard transplantation procedure, no pain is felt. Since the FUE technique is used in beard transplantation as well as in hair transplantation, the procedure is carried out extremely comfortably. With this technique, hair follicles taken from areas that do not tend to fall out are transplanted to the beard area.