What Should You Pay Attention to After Hair Transplantation?

The items you will pay attention to after the procedure are listed below. It is very important to follow these. In this way, both the healthy adhesion of the transplanted roots will be ensured and the area where the roots are collected will heal quickly.


Do not smoke for 7 days after the procedure.

Do not drink alcohol for 7 days after the procedure.

Blood thinners should never be used. (You can contact us to learn what these drugs are.)

Do not go to the Turkish bath or sauna for 3 months after the procedure.

Do not sunbathe for 3 months after the procedure.

Do not go to the solarium for 3 months after the procedure.

Do not swim in the sea or pool for 1 month after the procedure.

Do not do sports activities for 1 month after the procedure.

You should avoid lifting weights for 1 month after the procedure.

You can engage in light physical activity even immediately after the procedure. You can do short and light walks, light physical exercises.

The point you need to pay attention to here is not to sweat too much. You can do these activities for short periods at a level where you will sweat slightly.

It has been recommended above that you avoid sunbathing for 3 months. However, even if it is not for sunbathing purposes, you should avoid direct exposure to strong sunlight in your daily life or at work.

It is important to avoid direct exposure to sunlight for the first 14 days. We recommend that you wear a wide and clean hat that will not constrict your head.

This hat will be given to you by our clinic. If you live in a city with strong sunlight or in the summer months, it will be very useful to extend sun protection for up to 3 months. If your transplantation procedure was done in the summer months, do not neglect sun protection throughout the summer.

It is not recommended for 14 days after the procedure.

After hair transplantation, the hair is frequently touched by hand to check its condition. You should definitely avoid this.

Because manual control causes infection in the hair roots. Folliculitis, which we call hair root infection, can occur. They are small pink-red formations. Sometimes the ends can become infected. They can be itchy. You should definitely not touch them because you can spread them to other roots.


You need to use medications for the first 8 days after the procedure and some products during washing for the first 2 weeks.

Use the medications given to you properly and in accordance with their times. The medications given to you, how and at what times they will be used will also be given as a detailed form.
It is important to use the shampoo recommended to you for the first 14 days. Information on this subject is provided in the washing section below.
It is important to use the lotion recommended to you for the first 14 days. Information on this subject is provided in the washing section below.
You may need to use a moisturizing spray according to your doctor's advice.

There is no need for absolute bed rest after hair transplantation. You should not plan any activities immediately after hair transplantation, but spend that day and night resting.

Your days after transplantation will be comfortable. In addition, not going to work for a week, even if there is no need, can prevent you from feeling comfortable and encountering many questions.


Using a high pillow for the first 3 nights, or even using 2 pillows on top of each other (approximately at a 45-degree angle), is important for the swelling in the head area to go down.

You can lie on your back or side. However, never lie face down. Be careful not to let the transplanted area touch the pillow.

If the transplant has been done on your crown area, if there is a possibility that the pillow will touch the transplanted hair while lying on your back, a towel should be rolled up and placed under your neck. This prevents the transplanted hair from touching the pillow.


Using a headband will prevent swelling in your head area. The headband will be worn after the first wash. The bandage we will apply after the procedure will fulfill this function until this time.

The headband will be worn after the first wash in our clinic. We recommend that you wear the headband for 2 days.

ATTENTION: Never sleep with a headband. Keep the headband clean and it would be a good idea to wash it occasionally. When putting on and taking off the headband, make it very wide with your hand, and be careful not to rub it against your transplanted hair.


It will provide protection against both the sun and other external weather conditions (rain, drizzle, dust, etc.).

Apart from this, if the weather conditions are suitable and do not wear a hat indoors. You can start wearing a hat on the 5th day after the procedure.

Put the hat on by fitting it very lightly on your head, do not place it tightly.

When putting it on, put it on with both hands and pull it up with both hands while taking it off. Be careful not to rub your transplanted hair. Keep the hat clean, it would be a good idea to wash it once in a while.


Washing and caring for the hair after hair transplantation is very important for the health of the transplanted hair. Therefore, apply it very carefully and in accordance with the rules. Washing days and washing should be as follows.

day is the day of the operation, no washing, there is a bandage on the head.
day is no operation or washing.
Day 1 (sometimes it can be the 2nd day): The first wash after transplantation will be performed by our team in 2 clinics. You will be informed when it will be done.

Washing at home on the 4th to 10th day: After the first wash at the clinic, you will wash at home. You will start using the lotion or oil given to you before washing. This should be done before every wash. Apply the lotion or oil recommended to you to the transplanted area by lightly touching it with your fingertips. The lotion or oil should be applied with up and down movements of the hand, not by rubbing. Let the lotion or oil sit for 15-20 minutes. Then wash the lotion or oil with warm water. The water should be neither cold nor hot. It is important to wash with warm water. Make sure that the water is low. Shampoo is the next step. You need to start by wetting your head first. Then, after spreading the shampoo recommended to you in your hand and lathering it, apply it to the transplanted area by touching and lifting your hand. Never try to spread it with rubbing movements with your hand. The hand movements to be made while spreading the shampoo should be up and down and should be light. You can apply it lightly with your fingertips on the donor area where your hair is taken. Then, ensure that the shampoo is thoroughly removed with a light water flow. Do not dry the hair transplantation area. Definitely do not make a rubbing motion. Do not use a towel. Do not use a hair dryer. It is preferable to leave it to dry on its own. You can use a towel except for the hair transplantation area. After washing, increase blood circulation by gently massaging the transplantation area without rubbing. The nape area where the hair is taken or other donor areas can be washed easily. Applying lotion or oil to these areas will reduce itching. If you have the opportunity, it would be much better to wash twice a day (morning and evening). Removing crust during washing on the 10th to 14th day: There will be crust on your head from the transplantation day to this day. Using lotions and oils and washing will reduce these considerably. It is important to remove the crust that will occur after the operation with lotion and washing. In this way, the transplanted roots will be healthy. Especially after the 10th day, you can make the massage movements a little harder to get rid of the crust. It is necessary to get rid of all the crust between the 10th and 14th days. There should be no crust left after the 14th day. At this stage, you need to send your photos showing that the crusts have fallen off to our clinic or come and have them taken in our clinic. In this way, we will be able to inform you about the progress of the process.

Day 15 and beyond: You no longer need to do the washing procedure mentioned above. You do not have to use the lotion and the shampoo recommended to you. You can continue using the shampoo if you wish.

You have undergone a surgical procedure, so you may encounter some situations:


You may experience mild pain for a few days after the procedure. In this case, you can use the painkiller prescribed to you.


Swelling and edema are expected after the transplant. Swelling can reach the scalp, forehead, and in some cases, the level of the eyes. Swelling can last for 2 to 5 days. There is nothing to worry about. Precautions against swelling will be as follows:

The medications your doctor will ask you to use will ensure that any possible swelling or edema returns to normal as soon as possible. How to use it is in the information sheet about the medicines.
Start using the “headband” given to you after the first wash. Wearing it for 2 days will significantly prevent swelling in the forehead area.

It is a common condition after hair transplantation. It can occur on the entire skull. Good care, timely washing, and regular use of the recommended lotion will prevent itching.

However, it may be more common in some people. If your hair is in the donor area where it is taken, itching may last for 1-2 months. In this case, please contact our clinic, you may need to use antihistamines.


We will take your photos from various angles in our clinic before the operation. In addition, your photos will be taken in our clinic immediately after the operation and after the first wash.

However, in order to be able to monitor the process, your photos must be taken at certain intervals afterwards. These are 14 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after the procedure.

If you are in Antalya, it would be very useful if we could come to our clinic to see you and take your photos. If you are unable to come, it would be very useful if you could send us your photos to follow up the process.

When will my hair start to grow?

When can I see effective results?
Immediately after the transplant, within 15 days, it will be noticed that the first transplanted hair is growing.

This situation continues for a while and after 2-3 months, the transplanted hair falls out.

After the shedding, it starts to grow again in the 3rd month and these are now permanent hair. Your hair will take the desired shape after 1 year.

Will Hair Grow Back in the Donor Area Where the Roots Are Taken?

No, it will not grow, but since the roots are taken from the donor area in the nape of the head, which has a dense root structure compared to other areas of the scalp, the thinning of the hair will not be noticeable.

Since the roots are taken at intervals, there will be no gaps. The roots in this area are quite dense. It will not be visible from the outside in any way.

However, if the hair is lifted and looked at closely, an accustomed eye can understand that the hair is collected from that area.

Can I Grow My Hair After Hair Transplantation? Can I Dye It?

Your new hair is your natural hair and has the same characteristics. Therefore, you can comb, cut, grow or dye your hair as you wish. However, pay attention to the following:

You can comb the new hair that starts to grow within 3-4 months. However, you need to be more careful about using a brush. Brushing can pull the hair more strongly or violently. It is important that your hair is not damaged at this stage.

You should not shave the new hair with a machine for 6 months. Your new hair can be shortened using scissors after 3 months. The area where the hair is taken from, the nape (donor area), can be easily shaved after 2 months.

You should not dye your hair within 1 year after the transplant. You can use hair dye at the end of the first year.

Will There Be Any Scars After Hair Transplantation?

If FUE hair transplantation is performed by a specialist doctor and team, it does not leave visible scars. The point we specifically emphasize here is that it does not leave “visible” scars.

Although the wounds are much smaller than the FUT method, since it is a surgical procedure, the scars can be seen in the donor area at a minimal level and when lifted and examined closely.

The more the devices at the end of the punch pen use heads larger than 1 mm during your procedure, the more the millimetric diameter of the damage on your skin increases.

For example, if you work with completely 1 mm devices, there will be hundreds of 1 mm minimal scars on your scalp, which will not be noticeable unless your hair is cut very short.

Will I Feel Pain During the Hair Transplant Procedure?

Although the methods used have changed, hair transplantation has been performed for approximately 60 years. In these 60 years, the techniques and technology used have improved, the experience of doctors has increased, and thus the pain felt by patients has decreased day by day.

Since hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia, almost no pain is felt during the procedure. However, a slight pain may be felt for about a day after the transplantation, especially when the effect of the local anesthesia wears off.

The pain you feel will be kept to a minimum with the painkillers given by our doctor. In addition, redness, pain and discomfort in the transplanted area may be felt for a few days after the procedure. We should state that most of our patients did not need painkillers during the post-transplantation process.

When the procedure begins, you may feel some pain while the local anesthesia injections are applied. The level of pain you will feel is very close to the pain of the injections used when you go to the dentist so that you do not feel pain.

You may feel a tension in your scalp during the procedure. This tension feeling is felt more in transplants performed with the FUT technique.

Since the FUE technique is used in our clinic, the feeling of tension does not bother our patients.

Since the pain threshold varies from patient to patient, some people describe this feeling of tension as “slight pain”, while many of our patients say they feel almost no discomfort.

The purpose of the hair transplantation procedure is to improve the patient’s aesthetic appearance. The satisfaction level with the procedure is quite high, and this causes many patients to ignore temporary side effects such as redness and pain.

In order for our patients who have the procedure at the DK Clinic Hair Transplantation Unit not to get bored and not to focus on the procedure, various magazines, books, music, tablets, etc. are available.

In addition, the chair where the procedure is performed has been specially designed for hair transplantation patients to feel comfortable during the procedure.

From Which Parts of the Body Can Hair Follicles Be Taken?

The most efficient area to take hair follicles is the area behind the nape. This area is genetically programmed not to fall out.

It has the same characteristics as your hair in the frontal areas. From a scientific perspective, it is also possible to transplant roots taken from the legs, chin or chest area, but the structure of the hair in these areas may not have the same characteristics as your hair, which may cause unnatural looking results or a decrease in the success of the transplant.

What is the Success Rate in Hair Transplantation?

After 2009, it is observed that there has been an increase in the success rate with the widespread use of the FUE technique. The reason for this is that FUE is an easier procedure and has a higher chance of success compared to FUT.

We can say that the failure rate is low in a hair transplantation procedure performed under the supervision of a doctor. In transplants performed in a competent hair transplantation center, the retention rate of the grafts is between 85% and 95%.

Paying attention to sterilization conditions during the procedure, using graft-supporting liquids such as Thermasol, determining a good hair front line, having a trained team who is an expert in hair transplantation perform the procedure, and the person whose hair is transplanted following the doctor's recommendations significantly increases the success rate of the operation.

On the other hand, approximately 10% of the transplanted hair continues to fall out throughout your life. This is an expected process.

According to many doctors, losing more than 15% of the transplanted hair throughout the life of the person who has had a hair transplant indicates that the procedure is inefficient.

When determining the success rate, it is important to keep 3 points in mind:

There should be no clearly visible wounds on the person's scalp
The person should be satisfied with the results of the procedure and the hair should have a natural appearance
The person should not encounter serious health problems such as infection at the end of the procedure

How Many Grafts Should an Ideal Hair Transplantation Have?

In order for hair transplantation to be performed, first of all, the person's hair loss style must be clear.

If the person is at the beginning of the hair loss process or if the loss is still severe, new sessions and new costs may be encountered for new gaps that may occur after hair transplantation.

In this case, if hair transplantation is performed, dissatisfaction will increase. Because the person's hair continues to fall out, different areas of his hair continue to go bald and this cycle continues.

Therefore, if the person who comes for hair transplantation has not yet developed the hair loss style, transplantation should be avoided and necessary warnings should be made so that it does not create new costs in the future.

The points to be known about the ideal graft are as follows:

- In order for you to have a natural look, the graft that needs to be transplanted per square centimeter should not fall below a certain number.

20 to 30 grafts per square centimeter are ideal and are the ideal efficiency figures that can be obtained by the doctor and team performing the transplant. On the other hand, whether this frequency occurs or remains below depends on the following factors;

your density expectation
the appearance you aim to have
the efficiency of your donor area
A balance should be achieved between the possibilities and expectations by taking these factors into consideration, and the number of grafts to be transplanted should be decided accordingly.

1- The donor area should be used well because if too much hair is taken from the donor area, there is a risk of the hair in that area becoming sparse, which cannot be restored.

2- If a very dense appearance is desired and the donor area is suitable, more hair transplantation can be done.

3- If a person's baldness is at 6 or 7 degrees according to the Norwood-Hamilton grading and the donor area of ​​this person is weak, thin and has low density, the result he will get at the end of the hair transplantation will be far from ideal.

Therefore, this person should have realistic expectations, and the doctor should share with him that miracles cannot be created.

4- As DK Clinic Hair Transplantation Unit, we avoid performing more than 2500-3000 grafts in one session. Although technical possibilities allow this, when this number needs to be exceeded, we discuss in detail what it will bring and what it will take away.

5- Budget is also an important factor when determining the number of grafts. If you need to transplant 2500 grafts to get a good result, but your budget can only cover 1000 grafts, the result you will get will not satisfy you.

In such cases, we recommend that you do not spend your money, since the result will not satisfy you, and come back after saving for a while.

– Hair transplantation is for us;

with what is on hand (donor area)

also thinking about the future (donor area is limited, so it should be preserved for the future)

the process of transplanting to areas where shedding is observed in order to provide maximum benefit (the best image).

This is the art part of the job. The art here is to achieve more with less.

Important Information

How Many Grafts Can Be Transplanted in Hair Transplantation at Most?

The maximum number of grafts that can be collected from a person throughout their life is 8,0000 to 10,000. However, this may vary from person to person. We do not recommend transplanting more than 4,000 grafts to a person in one session (on the same day).

The maximum number of grafts that can be transplanted to a person with a flawless, highly productive donor area and a hair loss degree of stage 7 is 6,000. This is a very rare situation. If a person had a 5,000-graft transplant in their 20s, the donor area may not be sufficient if they need a second hair transplant because their hair loss will continue in the future.

Therefore, we recommend that you definitely talk to your doctor about the details of the grafts to be transplanted and do not pressure the hair transplant center you go to about the grafts you want.

According to the approach called the 50% rule accepted in hair transplant literature, when you notice that your hair is thinning under light, you have actually lost 50% of your hair density.

In other words, it is difficult for a person who has not lost 50% of their hair to notice that they are losing hair. If you have 60 hairs per square centimeter, you now have 30 hairs per square centimeter, and this has made you notice.

Another factor in determining the number of grafts is the characteristics of your hair. A person with thick and thick hair or curly hair needs fewer grafts to improve their appearance, while a person with thin and skinny hair needs more grafts to improve their appearance.

Think of a 1-hectare empty field. Which tree would need more to fill this field completely? A tree with a thick trunk and thick leaves, or a tree with narrow trunks and sparse branches?

There are an average of 6000 grafts that can be used for transplantation in the donor area. If you have a 5th degree baldness according to the Norwood-Hamilton scale, there is shedding in an area of ​​approximately 200 square centimeters. Therefore, assuming that 6000 grafts are collected from the donor area, the open area can be completely filled by planting 30 grafts per square centimeter.

What is the Best Age for Hair Transplantation?

Technically speaking, there is no age limit for hair transplantation.

For example; hair transplantation is a medical necessity for a child who has lost some of his hair in any way (such as burns, accidents).

Hair transplantation can be done even in childhood. However, if hair transplantation is considered due to an aesthetic problem that is not directly related to health, such as male-pattern hair loss called androgenic alopecia, it should be evaluated differently.

The lower age limit for aesthetic procedures is generally accepted as the age of majority, i.e. 18 years old. However, of course, we do not take this age into consideration in our clinic and find this age early for any aesthetic procedure.

Hair transplantation requires significant organization.

The first stage of organization is planning. When evaluating a personalized hair transplantation considering planning, the first question to be answered is:

"Is hair loss continuing?"

Determining the rate of hair loss will reveal treatment options. To explain on various scenarios;

Who is a Suitable Candidate for Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation gives very good results when performed on a suitable candidate. Some people may not be suitable for hair transplantation, and even if the procedure is performed on these people, the success or, more accurately, the satisfaction rate will be low.

In this case, if hair transplantation is still insisted on, expectations should not be high and the individuals should also bear the responsibility for the result.

We should state here that, in our clinic, we do not perform hair transplantation on unsuitable candidates – even if they insist – due to our principles.

If unsuitable candidates insist on hair transplantation or if the clinic or hospital performing the procedure acts with financial concerns, you may wish you had never had hair transplantation. The result you see when you look in the mirror may make you miss your old self.

Hair transplantation can be performed on you if you meet the following criteria:

1- Your hair loss level is 2 or higher on the Norwood-Hamilton Scale

2- The hair loss process is complete or has come to an end and no success has been achieved despite trying other formulas during hair loss (although it varies from person to person, transplantation should generally be done at the age of 30 because hair loss is not yet complete by this age)

3- There is enough hair in your donor area for the areas that need transplantation: The higher the hair density in the donor area, the higher the density will be in the transplanted areas.

Apart from these 3 items, people who have lost hair as a result of trauma or burns or various surgical procedures can have hair transplantation.

Candidates who meet these criteria are generally considered suitable candidates if they do not have the conditions mentioned below. Whether you meet these criteria or not can only be decided after your doctor has made the necessary examinations.

Are Hair Transplant Results Permanent?

One of the biggest questions in the minds of patients who want to undergo hair transplantation is whether the hair transplant is permanent or not.

To answer briefly, your transplanted hair is permanent. The area where your hair is taken is called the donor area. This area is also called the "reliable area".

The donor area is an area covering the nape and upper part of the ear. The hair in this donor area is insensitive to the DHT hormone that causes hair loss. The hair follicles in the reliable area are of very high quality and healthy.

In general, the donor area is genetically programmed not to fall out. For example, even when someone who has experienced hair loss since a young age reaches their 70s, you will see that the hair in the donor area is still there.

Since the roots used in hair transplantation are taken from the area that is not affected by this loss, which we call the donor area, they have the same genetic codes and characteristic features as the donor area. Therefore, as long as the hair in your donor area continues to grow, the hair in the transplanted areas will continue to grow.

Sometimes, hair loss problems that affect the donor area can also be encountered. In this case, the hair in the nape area will also fall out. However, usually when this problem is resolved, the hair comes back.

After your hair starts to grow after hair transplantation, you can wash it with shampoo, cut it, comb it or dye it because this hair will be quality hair that continues to grow continuously.


Some people may experience temporary hair loss approximately 2 to 4 weeks after the transplantation procedure.

This is an expected situation. It should not be feared, but the course should be observed. This loss is a trauma that occurs as a result of the body's reaction to hair transplantation. Almost all cases are temporary. This early loss process is followed by another process that continues with the normal growth of the hair and everything returns to normal.

On the other hand, the permanence of your hair transplant depends on some factors. The following points should be considered for permanent success.

Instead of going to under-the-counter businesses, you should go to experienced clinics with doctors.

People whose hair loss process has not been completed should not undergo hair transplantation.

After the transplant, if there are any medications prescribed by the doctor, they should be used regularly and without interruption.

Transplants should not be performed from areas other than the donor area at the back of the head (such as chest hair, etc.)